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MUPD investigates sexual misconduct near campus

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The University of Missouri Police Department received a report Monday of alleged sexual misconduct last month. New crime notification issued today regarding sexual misconduct – exposure. More information, including safety tips at— MU Police (@MUPDpolice) November 4, 2019 According to the report from MUPD, the misconduct happened Oct. 28. Officers said

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The City of Columbia will look at an agreement for a COVID-19 vaccine education campaign during its meeting Monday night.

Representatives from Missouri’s largest cities convene in Columbia to address violence

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) Columbia Mayor Brian Treece will hosted a meeting at City Hall on Friday with mayors and staff representing four of Missouri’s largest cities: Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis. The summit focused on progressing the conversation about how to make Missouri’s communities safer. Mayor Treece said their 3 main priorities are

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No injuries after Mexico shooting

MEXICO, Mo. (KMIZ) Mexico officers say a home was shot Friday morning, allegedly part of an ongoing disagreement. Mexico Public Safety Department officers were called to the 900 block of East Love Street around 1:30 a.m. Friday. Officers say the front door of a home was shot about a half hour before authorities arrived. Officers

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