Jefferson City officer shot, suspect killed after chase leads to shootout

A Jefferson City Police officer was shot in the chest Wednesday night after an investigation led to a chase.
According to a news release, the Jefferson City Police Department said officers were investigating a weapons offense around 10:20 p.m. Wednesday when they noticed a vehicle wanted in connection to multiple shots fired incidents.
Officers tried to stop the silver Ford vehicle near West McCarty and Hughes Streets, but the driver wouldn't pull over and started a chase.
The chase traveled through Jefferson City from West McCarty Street through Industrial Drive, Bolivar, Berry, Hart, West Miller and Brooks Streets, then to Highway 54 Westbound, Madison Street, Stadium Blvd, Monroe and Hickory Streets.
The chase ended near East Atchison and Jackson Streets where two people got out of the car and ran into a wooded area.
Police said two officers followed the suspects into the wooded area before one of the suspects pulled out a handgun and shot at the officers.
One officer was shot in the chest. They were wearing a ballistic vest at the time of the shooting and are in stable condition at a local hospital.
The second officer involved returned fire, shot and killed the suspect.
The second suspect involved hid in the woods. More officers, a K-9 team and Missouri State Highway Patrol's helicopter found the suspect who was taken into custody.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is now investigating the incident.
Check back for more on this developing story.