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Thanksgiving break burglary numbers

Through November 18 to November 29, there were burglaries in 14 residences, four commercial buildings and one other building. Here are prior years’ thanksgiving break burglary numbers: November 20, 2015 through December 1, 2015: 17 residential, 5 commercial and 1 other. November 21, 2014 through December 2, 2014: 28 residential, 6 commercial and 0 other.

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Prefiling begins at Missouri Capitol

Wednesday marks the first day state lawmakers can submit bills for consideration in the upcoming legislative session. These prefiled bills will be the first to potentially be assigned to a committee when the session begins Wednesday, Jan. 4 at noon. The following are among the bills already filed: HB 38 Higdon, GalenProvides that mandatory minimum

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