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Hearing on peace officer’s license of former Cooper County Jail staffer accused of manslaughter set for September

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMIZ) A former Cooper County Jail staff member who was accused of manslaughter will have an Administrative Hearing Commission hearing over the status of her peace officer’s license. A hearing for Rachel Atherton is scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, according to AHC documents. Atherton currently has a suspended Class A

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$5 million in ARPA money given to Missouri law enforcement, fire departments, EMS

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Missouri Department of Public Safety approved 70 grants that totaled $5 million to first-responder agencies, a Wednesday press release from Gov. Mike Parson’s office stated. According to the release, law enforcement, fire service and EMS providers in “class three” counties applied for funds, which came from American Rescue Plan Act funds.

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Missouri Democrats give full list of locations for in-person voting for presidential primary

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Democratic Party in Missouri has released its full list of in-person polling locations for the 2024 presidential primary. The Missouri Legislature in 2022 designated a new party-run voting system for the presidential primary. Republicans switched to a caucus system, which was held on Saturday. Democratic voters can request a mail-in ballot

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Columbia clinic expands treatment options with Suboxone for opioid use disorder

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) Big Tree Medical announced on Wednesday that it will be providing Suboxone prescriptions for those struggling with opioid use disorder at its Columbia location.  Suboxone is one of the primary medications used to treat opioid addiction. Research from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine indicates it can reduce the risk

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