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Draft Plan Passed to CAMPO Board of Directors

On September 1, 2016, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CAMPO) Technical Committee passed the Draft Capital Area Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan to the Board of Directors for further review. After discussing the Missouri Boulevard safety assessment findings in June, city officials suggested solutions such as more crosswalks, pedestrian signals and “pedestrian refuge islands.” For

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Fulton factory announces layoffs, temporary shutdown

A representative for HarbisonWalker International’s Fulton facility announced the location will temporarily close its doors starting October 25, 2016. The announcement comes in the wake of what the representative calls a substantial decrease in business. In total, 87 employees will be laid off including all production and maintenance employees represented by various unions and workers

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Multiple car break-ins in Moberly

Moberly Police are warning people about a new rash of car break-ins. The department received several reports throughout the past week and are urging drivers to lock their doors, hide their valuables and turn on alarms. Police said if you see any suspicious activity, provide a direction of travel, clothing description, any identifying marks (scars,

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