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Month: February 2021

Washing machines and libraries: What life is like in Indian farmers protest camps on Delhi’s outskirts

On a key highway into India’s capital, men are doing their laundry in washing machines set up under a makeshift tent. Just three months ago, this six-lane expressway was a busy thoroughfare for commuters and large trucks bringing supplies into New Delhi. Now, the traffic has been replaced by an almost 2-kilometer (1.2-mile) stretch of

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Biden administration to remove Houthis from terrorist list, reversing Trump’s decision

The State Department has informed Congress of its intent to reverse the Trump administration’s eleventh-hour decision to designate Yemen’s Houthi rebels as a foreign terrorist organization, a State Department official said Friday. “After a comprehensive review, we can confirm that the secretary intends to revoke the foreign terrorist organization and specially designated global terrorist designations

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White House to reinstate regular presidential addresses to the nation in the style of FDR’s fireside chats

The White House plans to bring back presidential addresses directly to the American people this weekend, continuing in the tradition of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats. “This is a time-honored tradition in the country of hearing from the President in this way, from FDR’s Fireside Chats to Ronald Reagan establishing the weekly presidential radio

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