Spring vernal equinox
March 19th marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This is also known as the spring or vernal equinox. This marks the first day astronomical spring falling 18 days behind meteorological spring.

Seasons occur for everyone across the entirety of the earth due to its 23.5 degree tilt on its axis.

Depending on where the equator and hemisphere face in terms of away or towards the sun determines what season will be seen based on the rotation timing in the year.

During the vernal equinox the axis is no facing towards or away from the sun resulting in the same amount of daylight (12 hours) and night time (12 hours).

To start off the first day of spring Columbia, Missouri typically sees an average high of 58 degrees and a low of 37 degrees. This year, we are seeing an increase in the afternoon high and a decrease in the overnight low. Thankfully we are closer to seasonal in comparison to what past record highs and lows have measured.