Amendment 5: Osage River casino

Amendment 5 would create a new casino gambling license specifically for a casino on the Osage River.
The ballot issue says the casino could be put anywhere from where the Osage flows into the Missouri River down to Bagnell Dam at the Lake of the Ozarks. However, a group already has plans to put the casino in the Lake area.
All state revenue generated from the casino would go toward education, according to the ballot question.
Fair ballot language
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to allow the Missouri Gaming Commission to issue an additional gambling boat license to operate an excursion gambling boat on the Osage River, between the Missouri River and the Bagnell Dam. All state revenue derived from the issuance of the gambling boat license shall be appropriated to early-childhood literacy programs in public institutions of elementary education.
A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution regarding gambling boat licensure.
If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.