MoDOT crews to begin traffic shift on Highway 63 Thursday

Missouri Department of Transportation crews are set to begin traffic shifts on Highway 63 Thursday after work was delayed Wednesday due to cold weather.
Crews will be working on the construction of two bridges on the I-70/U.S. 63 connector for the Improve I-70 project. Lane closures are expected between Broadway Boulevard and Conley Road underpass as crews get ready move all traffic to the northbound lanes.
Two lanes of traffic will be open in both directions, but they will be narrowed to 10 feet and the speed limit will be reduced. MoDOT crews will start off by building the southbound bridge first while all traffic is shifted to the northbound lane.
Then once that bridge is finished, traffic will then be shifted to the southbound lane while crews work on the northbound bridge. The new bridges will create an underpass allowing traffic from Conley Road to move north directly into the I-70/U.S. 63 interchange.
According to MoDOT, the construction of the two bridges will take about 10 months to finish.