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August primary candidate filing opens Tuesday as U.S. congressional redistricting map is still undecided

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo (KMIZ) Candidates can file paperwork for the August primary election Tuesday morning at the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office in Jefferson City. The candidate filings come as the Missouri Senate works to pick a map for the state’s eight U.S. congressional districts. Missouri is required to redraw the map every 10 years

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: Should first-time drunk driving offenders be required to get an ignition interlock device?

In Missouri, 11,100 potential drunk drivers were stopped by ignition interlock devices in their cars in 2020. Current Missouri law requires a person found guilty of driving while drunk with prior alcohol-related offenses to have an ignition interlock device installed in their car. House Bill 1680, introduced by Rep. Mark Sharp (D-Kansas City), removes the requirement

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