Jefferson City School District announces new hires for elementary and secondary principals

The Jefferson City School District announced the hiring of lead and assistant principals for multiple schools and a new administrative intern on Thursday.
The professionals hired for these positions for the next school year are:
- Todd Shalz will be the new principal for Belair Elementary. Todd Shalz will succeed Elizabeth Milhollin, who will return to teaching as an elementary math interventionist at Thorpe Gordon Elementary;
- Jaime Schulte, a current assistant principal at Lewis & Clark Middle School, will be transitioning to an assistant principal at Jefferson City High School;
- Rhonda Allen, the current administrative intern at Lewis & Clark Middle School, will be transitioning to an assistant principal at LCMS, replacing Jaime Schulte;
- Dr. McKenzie Bennett, currently an English teacher and the English department team lead at CapitalCity High School, will be the new administrative intern at Pioneer Trail Elementary. She is replacing Danielle Westmoreland, who will be the new principal at Southwest Early Childhood Center.
“We are excited to announce these dynamic JC Schools leaders and welcome them to their new roles,” said incoming Deputy Superintendent Heather Beaulieu in a release. “Each individual has proven to be successful in their current position, and we are confident they will continue to maintain a laser focus on growing their staff and increasing student success.”