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Elledge’s lawyers ask for more time for appeal after Boone County prosecutor’s death



The defense team for Joseph Elledge is seeking more time for an opening brief in his appeal after Boone County Prosecutor Dan Knight's unexpected death.

Jonathan Laurans is asking the Missouri Court of Appeals Western District for an additional 30 days beyond the July 5, 2022 deadline due to Knight's death, the enormity of the defense's request for the trial record, other appeals in Missouri and Kansas and the counsel's inability to view exhibits during the writing for the appeal.

Elledges' defense team was originally asking for the trial record, over 2,700 pages, between 1,000 and 3,000 photographs and over nine hours of audio recordings that were not transcribed but due to the enormity of the records, it was reportedly slow to get access to.

Elledge was sentenced in Jan. 2022 to 28 years in prison for the murder of Mengqi Ji.

Article Topic Follows: Court and Trials

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Karl Wehmhoener


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