Boone County Sheriff’s Department’s Explorer Program discontinued after December 2020

The Boone County Sheriff's Department's Explorer Program was discontinued in December of 2020 according to Capt. Brian Leer.
Leer said the department made the "Difficult decision to stop the program for several reasons," but they have not made a decision if the program may return.
Officials say one reason for the decision was because active membership had dwindled over the years. Leer added the COVID-19 pandemic also disrupted the program's meetings.
Low staffing has caused a reevaluation of the many extra duties, programs, and services deputies are asked to do, Leer said.
However, the Boone County Sheriff's Department says it still sees value in the Explorer Program and will evaluate whether to continue the program in the future.
The program was open to anyone between the ages of 14 who have completed the eighth grade and 20. The program provided youth with the opportunity to experience law enforcement firsthand as well as "Develop leadership and citizenship skills," according to the Sheriff's Department website.
It was organized under the Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life's career education program.