Demand and supply for vaccines in mid-Missouri seems to have flipped as appointments are taking longer to fill or are left open

As the vaccination rate for Boone County rises along with vaccine supply, demand for the vaccine seems to be leveling off according to appointment openings.
On Wednesday, The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Twitter page tweeted out that there were available shots at the United Church of Christ vaccination event in California, Missouri. Vaccination was opened to any resident with no tier requirement eligibility.
The tweet was sent out 11:15 in the morning and the event was slated to end at 5 p.m.

As of 3:20 p.m. on Thursday, multiple appointments were open for both the Conley Road and Broadway Hy-Vee Pharmacy locations for later in the day. At the Broadway location, close to 100 appointments were open for April 2-5 at this time as well.
The Walmart on Conley Road also had multiple appointments open for April 2, 6, and 7. The Grindstone Parkway location had openings for April 6 and April 7. The Broadway location had openings for April 2 and April 6.
Anthony DeSha, owner of Flow's Pharmacy said they currently have an abundance of vaccines. He says they've currently exhausted their vaccination list and are looking for eligible residents who want the vaccine.
As of Thursday night, they had openings for both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Flow's is giving out their vaccines at their 1506 East Broadway location and anyone who is eligible and wants to make an appointment can call the pharmacy at 573-449-5366.
Currently, people eligible for the vaccine are in Phase 2 and above. All Missourians will be eligible to receive the coronavirus vaccine on April 9th according to the state vaccine navigator.
According to the state's vaccine dashboard, 26.1% of the state's population has received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. 15.9% of the population have completed their vaccination.
Almost 31% of the Boone County population has received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine according to the state dashboard.