CPD increases patrol; East Campus sees multiple peace disturbance calls

Columbia Police Department dispatch records show more than a dozen peace disturbance calls on from Friday through early morning Sunday, days after increased patrols were announced and students return to campus.
A CPD release on Friday stated that officers would increase patrols in East Campus and other student heavily populated areas as classes begin Monday amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
"They will be proactively looking for peace disturbances, alcohol-related issues, or other law violations," the press release said.
ABC 17 Crews found 14 peace disturbance calls in CPD's dispatch records from the time of the release Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.
Officers will also be supporting the Columbia/Boone County health order that restricts the size of gatherings because of COVID-19 and requires masks in Columbia.
Nearly half of those calls came from various parts of East Campus, a few at off campus student housing and at least one coming from Brookside Midtown.
The Columbia/Boone County Health Department suspended Brookside Midtown's operating permit for their pool Saturday morning.
A spokesperson for the health department, Scott Clardy, said they have been there twice within the past six days since residents and guests were not following the current health order.
ABC 17 asked CPD for any official records of peace disturbance responses from this weekend and whether those 14 calls were in relation to violating the health order, but are still waiting for a response.
If students are not following the health order, it could result in a student code of conduct violation, according to the release.