Boone County commissioner floats merging sheriff’s department and police
UPDATE: While studies show it can boost resources available to law enforcement officers and enhance the knowledge and skills of the blended departments, it can also be a detriment to shift changes or patrol areas.
The Columbia Police Officer’s Association isn’t taking a stance on the idea right now, but did share that it could make some things difficult.
“This isn’t the first time this idea has surfaced. We wonder if anyone has adequately considered the complexity of all the intricate issues to be addressed,” said spokesperson Dale Roberts. “Looking at CPD and BCSD, we have two different pay scales, two very different retirement plans, two different seniority lists, different procedures and policies and on it goes.”
Treece said while he doesn’t believe a full merger will ever happen, he think more collaboration would benefit law enforcement at the command level. He said similar cooperation already happens at the officer and deputy level.
ORIGINAL STORY: Boone County’s presiding commissioner on Wednesday suggested merging the Boone County Sheriff’s Department with police departments in the county, including the city of Columbia.
“Let’s consolidate that,” Dan Atwill said at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast event focusing on local government. “We’ll save some money and provide, maybe, better public safety for all the people.”
Atwill said he wants to begin a discussion and have a joint committee that can examine the pros and cons of such a move. He said that could include hiring consultants who can do a study that digs into whether this could save the county and taxpayers time and money.
Columbia Mayor Brian Treece seemed to be on board with exploring the possibility.
“I thought Commissioner Atwill had another great idea of how we can coordinate with the county sheriff’s office to make sure we’re being as responsive as possible with the limited resources we have,” he said.
ABC 17 News plans to look into how such combined policing systems work in other jurisdictions in the state and country.