AAA predicts record numbers for holiday travel

The Missouri State Highway Patrol will begin tracking holiday travel numbers at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve through 11:59 p.m. Christmas Day.
Over the 2023 Christmas Holiday, there were over 1,000 crashes in the state. Of those crashes, over 300 people were injured and three deaths.
According to AAA 2.3 million Missourians will be traveling with 90% expected to travel by car. AAA also expects a record number of 119 million travelers this holiday season, which will reflect at the gas pumps.
The statewide gas price average in Missouri is $2.74 for a gallon of regular unleaded fuel, according to the AAA Missouri Weekend Gas Watch.
The national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.04, which is one cent more compared to this day last week and four cents less compared to the price per gallon at this same time last year, according to AAA Gas Prices.
The MSHP wants to remind those traveling on the road that holiday drivers will affect traffic patterns. Drivers are encouraged to make sure they are well rested, no matter how short their driving distance. MSHP also encourage those to wear your seat belt, obey all traffic laws, pay attention, and don’t drive impaired.