Anti-Trump demonstration held in Columbia
A demonstration was held Thursday afternoon as dozens protested outside Boone County Courthouse, more than 12 miles away from where President Donald Trump held his Make America Great Again rally at Columbia Regional Airport.
“I think he’s coming here as a distraction to get out the vote for his party,” Boone County Democratic group organizer Lyra Noce said.
A chant broke out at the rally, “trans rights are human rights, trans rights are human rights.” as democratic candidates spoke.
Protestors called the demonstration a “Rally for Sanity” in response to the president’s visit to mid-Missouri.
“We aren’t giving in to the divisiveness of the president’s rhetoric, and we are determined to be stronger together,” Noce said.
Protestors said they were only focusing on Tuesday’s ballot and not the president’s “distraction” when asked why they were not protesting outside the hangar where he was speaking.
“Not giving in to the distraction or the urge to go out to the airport and protest, we’re channeling our energies for our positive,” Noce said.