MDC reports more than 6 thousand feral hogs eliminated in 2017
The Missouri Department of Conservation reported on Friday that 6,567 feral hogs were eliminated in 2017.
MDC officials said 5,358 hogs were removed in 2016.
The highest density of feral hogs was reported in southeast Missouri where 2,858 feral hogs were removed.
Mark McLain, MDC’s feral hog elimination team leader, said the public must understand why the animal must be gone.”These are a destructive, invasive species that doesn’t’t belong here; they’re not a native species,” McLain said. “They out-compete native wildlife for habitat and food. For example, places with a lot of feral hogs will see their wild turkey and deer population diminish.”
McLain said the hogs also have the potential to spread diseases to humans, pets and livestock.
10 years ago, economic loss estimates that there was $1.5 billion in damages per year from feral hogs.
Officials said the hogs damage property, agriculture and natural resources by their aggressive rooting of soil in addition to their trampling and consumption of crops.
McLain asks landowners to not hunt the animal but report the sighting of one by clicking here.