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Month: December 2023

¿Qué es la salmonela y cómo prevenirla?

Verónica Ojeda (CNN) — A continuación, se ofrece información de contexto sobre la salmonela, una enfermedad que anualmente afecta a millones de personas, puede ser mortal y cuya infección suele darse al comer alimentos contaminados. Datos La salmonelosis, la infección causada por la bacteria del género Salmonella, es una de las enfermedades transmitidas por los

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A yoga leader promised followers enlightenment. But he’s now accused of sexual abuse

By THOMAS ADAMSON Associated Press PARIS (AP) — Gregorian Bivolaru was known by his followers as “Grieg” and their guide through tantra yoga toward enlightenment and a higher state of consciousness. But Bivolaru represents a far more sinister figure for European police which view him as a master manipulator accused of sexual abuse and exploitation.

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Sandra Day O’Connor Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research Here is a look at the life of Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female justice on the United States Supreme Court. Personal Birth date: March 26, 1930 Death date: December 1, 2023 Birth place: El Paso, Texas Birth name: Sandra Day Father: Harry A. Day, rancher Mother: Ada Mae (Wilkey) Day, rancher

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Google empezará a eliminar cuentas inactivas desde este viernes: ¿qué cuentas serán afectadas, por qué y cómo puedes evitarlo?

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Esa cuenta de Google que no has revisado en años podría ser eliminada pronto. Google seguirá adelante con su plan de eliminar las cuentas que lleven inactivas al menos dos años a partir de este viernes 1 de diciembre. La empresa anunció esta nueva política en mayo, con el fin de

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46 arrested following ‘large-scale disorder’ prior to Europa Conference League match

By Sammy Mncwabe, CNN (CNN) — Forty-six people are in custody and four police officers were injured following “disgusting and highly dangerous scenes” which took place ahead of Aston Villa’s 2-1 Europa Conference League win against Legia Warsaw on Thursday, West Midlands Police said. According to a police statement, the “large-scale disorder” outside Villa Park

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Trump doesn’t have presidential immunity from lawsuits over January 6, appeals court rules

By Katelyn Polantz and Holmes Lybrand, CNN Washington (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump can be sued in civil lawsuits related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot in a long-awaited, consequential decision from the federal appeals court in Washington, DC. The decision will have significant implications for several cases against Trump in the

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Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman on the Supreme Court, has died at age 93

By MARK SHERMAN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, an unwavering voice of moderate conservatism and the first woman to serve on the nation’s highest court, died Friday. She was 93. O’Connor died in Phoenix, of complications related to advanced dementia and a respiratory illness, the Supreme Court said

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Muere a los 93 años la jueza Sandra Day O’Connor, la primera mujer en ocupar un puesto en la Corte Suprema de EE.UU.

CNNEE (CNN) — La jueza Sandra Day O’Connor, quien abrió caminos como la primera mujer en ocupar un puesto en la Corte Suprema, falleció, según anunció el tribunal este viernes por la mañana. O’Connor, de 93 años, murió debido a “complicaciones relacionadas con la demencia avanzada”, dijo el tribunal. O’Connor inspiró a generaciones de abogadas,

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Corte Internacional de Justicia falló a favor de Guyana en la solicitud de indicación de medidas provisionales sobre el Esequibo

Sol Amaya (CNN Español) — La Corte Internacional de Justicia falló a favor de Guyana y ordenó al régimen de Maduro abstenerse de tomar medidas que agraven el diferendo sobre el Esequibo. “Por unanimidad, en espera de una decisión final en el caso, la República Bolivariana de Venezuela se abstendrá de tomar cualquier acción que

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NATO chief tells Turkey’s Erdogan that ‘the time has come’ to let Sweden join the alliance

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says he has told Turkey’s president that “the time has come” to let Sweden into the military alliance. Stoltenberg told The Associated Press that he urged Turkey to finalize the process as he met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday on the sidelines of

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