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Month: August 2023

Man whose body was found in a barrel in Malibu is identified by authorities

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Authorities have identified the man whose body was found inside a barrel in Malibu, California. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department says the man was identified by the coroner’s office as 32-year-old Javonnta Marshann Murphy. No additional information was immediately provided Wednesday. Murphy’s body was found inside a black plastic 55-gallon

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Investigators recall surreal moments during years-long investigation in Mexico’s missing students

By MARÍA VERZA Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — Independent investigators leaving Mexico after eight years searching for answers to the 2014 disappearance of 43 students from a teachers’ college say they experienced a “double reality” that was unlike anything they had encountered in other international missions. Spanish physician Carlos Beristain says, “It’s like you’re

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‘Gave the world a gift’: Henrietta Lacks’ family gets justice 70 years after cells taken without consent

By MIKE SULLIVAN Click here for updates on this story     WALTHAM, Massachusetts (WBZ) — Henrietta Lacks would have been 103 on Tuesday. Her gift is justice. Seventy years ago, Lacks went to the hospital for cancer treatment. Her cells were used for research purposes without consent. Those cells went on to revolutionize parts of modern

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What you should know about the latest Covid-19 surge. A doctor explains

By Faye Chiu, CNN (CNN) — Recent data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that a summer surge of Covid-19 could be underway, although not as significant as in past summers. By some measures, the number of coronavirus infections is rising, along with test positivity, emergency department visits and — most alarmingly — hospital admissions.

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Russia engaged in extensive effort to force Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories to accept Russian citizenship, report says

By Jennifer Hansler, CNN (CNN) — Russia is forcing Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories to accept Russian citizenship by engaging in a systematic push “to make it impossible for residents to survive in their homes” unless they do so, according to a newly released report from the Yale Humanitarian Research Lab. The report details an extensive

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Boric anuncia propuesta de pacto fiscal para costear medidas sociales en Chile

urielblanco (CNN Español) — El presidente de Chile, Gabriel Boric, dio a conocer este martes detalles del denominado “pacto fiscal” con el que espera sacar adelante una serie de medidas tributarias que impulsen el crecimiento del país austral, la inversión y mejoras en distintos ámbitos sociales para los ciudadanos. “Un Chile mejor se construye dialogando

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El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, y su esposa, Sophie, se separan

Sol Amaya (CNN) — El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, anunció este miércoles en su cuenta de Instagram que se separará de su esposa, Sophie. Después de “muchas conversaciones significativas y difíciles” con Sophie, “hemos tomado la decisión de separarnos”, dijo Trudeau. “Como siempre, seguimos siendo una familia unida con profundo amor y respeto

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Wilt Chamberlain’s 1972 finals jersey expected to draw more than $4 million at Sotheby’s auction

By The Associated Press Collectibles broker Sotheby’s expects Wilt Chamberlain’s 1972 NBA Finals jersey to sell for more than $4 million in an upcoming auction. Sotheby’s calls the jersey Chamberlain wore in the championship-clinching Game 5 victory over the New York Knicks the most valuable piece of his memorabilia ever to appear on the market.

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