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Month: August 2023

Report says close associates of India’s Adani Group secretly purchased large numbers of shares

NEW DELHI (AP) — Two people closely linked to India’s Adani Group, one of the country’s largest conglomerates, secretly purchased of millions of dollars of stocks in the group’s companies, possibly violating Indian law, according to a report by a network of investigative journalists. Market rules require that at least 25% of a company’s shares

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La tormenta tropical Idalia amenaza a las Carolinas con lluvias torrenciales e inundaciones tras azotar Florida y dañar miles de viviendas

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Algunas comunidades de la costa oeste de Florida azotadas por el diluvio y los feroces vientos de Idalia sufrieron un “acontecimiento que les cambió la vida”, según un funcionario, después de que el huracán más potente que ha tocado tierra en la región conocida como el Big Bend en al

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A train slams into a group of workers on the tracks at an Italian station, killing 5 of them

ROME (AP) — A speeding out-of-service train slammed into a group of workers doing nighttime track maintenance in northern Italy on Thursday, killing five of them, authorities said. The crash occurred shortly after midnight at a station in Brandizzo, a town in Italy’s Piedmont region. Piedmont Gov. Alberto Cirio provided the death toll and said

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