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Month: January 2022

Many states have moved in recent years to increase their minimum wage requirements

From minimum wage hikes to a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers, these new laws take effect in 2022

By Devan Cole, CNN The year 2021 marked by an innumerable number of rules tied to the coronavirus pandemic. As Americans navigated government and private sector mandates about masking and vaccinations, elected leaders also worked to change other aspects of everyday life, enacting laws that affect everything from public school curriculum to legal recreational pot.

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El aumento de casos de covid-19 está alterando la vida diaria en EE.UU. Es probable que las cosas empeoren, advierten los expertos

Sol Amaya (CNN) — Estados Unidos recibe el año nuevo en medio de una oleada de covid-19 que, según los expertos, está explotando a una velocidad sin precedentes y podría alterar la vida diaria de muchos estadounidenses durante el primer mes de 2022. “Ómicron está realmente en todas partes”, dijo a CNN este viernes por

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Richard Branson takes off on July 11

2021: The year of space tourism

By Jackie Wattles, CNN Business When future generations write about the history of space travel, 2021 may well get its own chapter. “The year of the billionaires,” it might be called. Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson each took supersonic joy rides to the edge of space, finally bringing their competing private-sector spacecraft into operation after

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