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Month: January 2022

Evergrande suspende la cotización de sus acciones en Hong Kong

macamilarincon (CNN Business) –– Evergrande, la asediada empresa china de bienes raíces, suspendió la cotización de sus acciones en Hong Kong este lunes. Una decisión que ocurre mientras la compañía, fuertemente endeudada, atraviesa una crisis inmobiliaria. Evergrande no puede pagar sus deudas y China se esfuerza por contener las consecuencias Evergrande dijo en un documento

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The White House announced it would allocate $1 billion in funding from the American Rescue Plan to independent meat and poultry producer

White House investing $1 billion to boost competition in meat-processing industry and lower consumer prices

By Kate Sullivan and Maegan Vazquez, CNN The White House on Monday announced it would allocate $1 billion in funding from the American Rescue Plan to independent meat and poultry producers as part of an effort to boost competition in the meat-processing industry and lower prices for consumers. President Joe Biden met virtually with family

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