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Month: October 2021

La Justicia cita a declarar al expresidente de Argentina Mauricio Macri y le prohíbe salir del país

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN Español) — El expresidente de Argentina, Mauricio Macri, fue citado a declaración indagatoria con prohibición de salida del país, en el marco de una causa en la que se investigan presuntas prácticas de espionaje ilegal a familiares de fallecidos en el hundimiento del submarino ARA San Juan. La decisión fue

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Women stand in a queue as they wait to receive a dose of the Covishield vaccine against the Covid-19 at a primary health centre in Siliguri on Aug. 2.

Anger over UK quarantine rules for fully vaccinated travelers from India and many African countries

By Nimi Princewill, CNN News that fully vaccinated travelers from India and many African countries will face mandatory quarantine in the UK, despite a relaxation of the country’s inbound travel rules, has caused an outcry and accusations of discrimination. The UK’s revised travel advisory will take effect on October 4 and visitors from its list

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Tracking a soggy gameday

Today: Showers early before a brief break in the morning. Mizzou kickoff looks soggy with temperatures reaching close to 70 before noon. Another round of storms kicks up by the afternoon and evening with highs in the upper 70s. The most widespread rain will move through near dinnertime and coverage diminishes overnight. Tomorrow: Lingering rain

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China investigates ex-official who led major corruption case

BEIJING (AP) — A former Chinese justice minister has become a target of President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign. The Communist Party’s discipline commission announced Saturday that former Justice Minister and Vice Minister of Public Security Fu Zhenghua is under investigation for severe violations of party discipline and law. It did not provide details. It’s unclear

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