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Month: July 2021

Estas son las vacunas contra el covid-19 que puedes combinar con una dosis de AstraZeneca, según estudios

Marysabel E. Huston-Crespo (CNN Español) – En Latinoamérica, personas que han recibido la primera dosis de la vacuna de AstraZeneca contra el covid-19 nos preguntan frecuentemente si pueden recibir la segunda dosis pero de otro fabricante. Un estudio indica que esta vacuna, desarrollada en conjunto con la Universidad de Oxford, se podría mezclar con la

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A high school student works on an assignment on a laptop computer at home during a remote learning day in Tiskilwa

Boosted by the federal stimulus, these virtual learning companies are fighting to keep their new place in US education

By Katie Lobosco, CNN If parents weren’t familiar with Canvas or Schoology before the pandemic, they likely are now. The two biggest remote learning providers — or, more officially, “learning management systems” — became household names as schools scrambled to help students learn online at home, but they’re now fighting to keep their foothold as

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