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Month: May 2021

Homeland Security reverses Trump-era DNA collection plan for immigration vetting

The Department of Homeland Security on Friday withdrew Trump-era plans to vastly expand the collection of biometric data, including DNA samples, which would have been used for immigration purposes such as verifying family relationships. The withdrawal is “consistent” with President Joe Biden’s February executive order focused on legal immigration, as well administration efforts to reduce

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What is bitcoin cash?

A cryptocurrency that looks and sounds a lot like bitcoin has creeped up into the top 10 biggest digital currencies list: bitcoin cash. Bitcoin cash shares most of its code with bitcoin. But it is significantly faster at processing transactions. The cryptocurrency is having a moment: It surged more than 11% Thursday, and more than

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Amnesty apologizes to Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny as it restores his ‘prisoner of conscience’ status

Amnesty International has reversed its decision to strip the jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny of his “prisoner of conscience” status, the human rights group said on Friday. The group had revoked the label from Navalny in February over past comments he had made. The activist has been criticized in some corners for past statements against

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A Liechtenstein prince is accused of killing one of Europe’s biggest bears

Romanian authorities are investigating after one of Europe’s largest brown bears was allegedly shot and killed by a prince from Liechtenstein. Prince Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein — the 32-year-old nephew of the tiny principality’s reigning Prince Hans-Adam II — is accused of shooting 17-year-old Arthur in March during a hunting expedition. Prosecutors opened an

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