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Month: March 2021

Did Tanzania’s Covid-denying leader die of the coronavirus? It’s one of many questions he leaves behind

President John Magufuli, the Covid-denying leader of Tanzania, was said to have died from heart failure, which he apparently battled for more than a decade, according to the country’s new president. Samia Suluhu Hassan said Magufuli had been receiving treatment in a Tanzanian hospital when he died on Wednesday evening. However, opposition leaders insist Magufuli

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Extraordinary diplomatic clash signals tough times ahead for the US and China

Chinese officials dismissed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan as “condescending.” An unnamed US official said the Chinese were “grandstanding.” And with that, any chance the US and China might shift course after four turbulent years of the Trump administration quickly faded. The tense and unusual diplomatic clash Thursday between

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Speaking out against hate crimes, Biden tries to restore moral clarity to the presidency

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris moved to reassert control over America’s bully pulpit Friday, decrying acts of violence against Asian Americans after a year in which former President Donald Trump inflamed racist attitudes by referring countless times to the coronavirus as “Kung Flu” and the “China virus.” Condemning the permissive culture of

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Former daughter-in-law of Trump Org officer has talked to New York prosecutors about rent-free apartments

The former daughter-in-law of a Trump Organization officer said she is cooperating with inquiries by New York investigators who are looking into former President Donald Trump and his business, and have asked her about apartments she and her ex-husband were allowed to live in rent-free. Jennifer Weisselberg — a former ballet dancer who was married

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Dentist recounts racially charged comments directed toward her

Click here for updates on this story     ASHEVILLE, North Carolina (WLOS) — New research shows the COVID-19 pandemic fueled a rise in anti-Asian discrimination. While the two jurisdictions investigating the Atlanta spa shooting spree have not definitively called the killings hate crimes, advocacy groups like North Carolina Asian Americans Together noted the killings represented an

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