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Month: March 2021

What to do when severe weather looms

Today’s tornado warning test conducted by the National Weather Service was a prompt to get us thinking about our severe weather plans. Here in mid-Missouri we’re no strangers to severe weather. Many of us were impacted by the tornado that tore through Jefferson City just a few years ago, and it won’t be long before

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Why kids are hitting the pandemic wall

After almost a full year of grappling with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, including nearly nine months of virtual school, 11-year-old London Loree simply has had enough. Enough of Zoom classes and technology fails. Enough of social distancing. Enough of all of it. Her focus is waning. School, something she loves, has become a

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Teens charged with murder of Denver woman

Click here for updates on this story     DENVER (KCNC) — A 14-year-old male and 18-year-old Neshan Johnson are both being charged with the murder of 32-year-old Pamela Cabriales, according to the Denver District Attorney’s Office. Cabriales was shot on Feb. 20 while she was in her car on Colfax Avenue near Interstate 25. According to

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