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Month: February 2021

Canadian travellers shouldn’t be denied boarding without quarantine hotel booking, gov’t says

Click here for updates on this story     SASKATOON, Saskatchewan (CTV News) — A group of Canadians in Zimbabwe were denied a flight back to Canada, after they spent hours unsuccessfully trying to book a government-authorized hotel stay, an incident Transport Canada now says shouldn’t have happened. “We begged an [airline] desk agent to assist us,”

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Sri Lanka Easter bombings investigation calls for former President to be prosecuted

An investigation into the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka has called for the country’s former President as well as senior police and intelligence officials to be prosecuted. The commission of inquiry said Wednesday that “criminal proceedings” should be brought against former President Maithripala Sirisena, who left office in November 2019, for “criminal liability

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Trump stacked his Cabinet with climate skeptics. Now Republicans are piling on Biden’s climate activist nominee

President Joe Biden nominated the most diverse Cabinet in history, but the Senate, which gets to offer “advice and consent,” is suddenly full of members — mostly Republicans — who are critical of partisan tweets and are carefully scrutinizing nominees’ job qualifications. The attention has chiefly fallen on three domestic policy roles: Office of Management

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Black History Month: Howard Thurman

He was a shy man who didn’t lead marches or give dramatic speeches. But Howard Thurman was a spiritual genius who transformed history. Thurman was a pastor and professor and mystic whose groundbreaking book, “Jesus and the Disinherited,” was a condemnation of a form of Christianity which Thurman said was far too often “on the

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