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Month: February 2021

Minneapolis police officers must keep body cameras turned on during entire response to a call, new policy says

Minneapolis police officers will no longer be allowed to deactivate their body cameras in order to hold private conversations during the course of their response to an incident, according to a statement Monday from Mayor Jacob Frey and Chief Medaria Arradondo. It is one of several new policies that have been implemented by Minneapolis and

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Indian children hospitalized after ingesting hand sanitizer instead of polio drops

At least 12 children have been hospitalized after they were administered hand sanitizer drops instead of oral polio vaccine drops in India’s state of Maharashtra. The incident occurred Sunday at a primary health center in Yavatmal during the National Pulse Polio vaccination drive, said Shrikrishna Panchal, a senior official from Yavatmal District Council. The incident

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Myanmar’s military seizes power in coup after detaining leader Aung San Suu Kyi and ruling party politicians

Myanmar’s powerful military has taken control of the country in a coup and declared a state of emergency, following the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior government leaders in early morning raids Monday. The country woke up to widespread internet and communications blackouts, closed banks, and soldiers in army fatigues patrolling the

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Biden to sign immigration executive orders and establish task force to reunite separated families

President Joe Biden will sign three executive orders Tuesday that take aim at his predecessor’s hardline immigration policies and try to rectify the consequences of those policies, including by establishing a task force designed to reunite families separated at the US-Mexico border, according to senior administration officials. The latest orders build upon the actions taken

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House Democrats move swiftly to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee assignments

House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 House Democrat, is planning to deliver an ultimatum to House GOP

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