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Month: January 2021

Violence at Capitol and beyond reignites a debate over America’s long-held defense of extremist speech

With most Americans hoping this week’s expected inauguration protests look nothing like the Capitol siege, questions emerge about unrestrained free expression, long championed by First Amendment theorists as a benefit to society, no matter how ugly and hateful. The optics may be disturbing, especially so soon after the riot, with the potential of protesters —

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Washington Post: QAnon members talked about acting as National Guard members to infiltrate inauguration, FBI intelligence report says

The FBI on Monday alerted other law enforcement agencies that QAnon adherents discussed acting as National Guard soldiers in Washington to try and infiltrate President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, according to The Washington Post. The FBI, in an intelligence report obtained by the Post, said it monitored individuals downloading maps of sensitive areas around Washington and

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Risky driving and fatal crashes surged in 2020, even with fewer drivers on the road, a new report finds

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many Americans to stay home and stay put. But even though fewer people were driving during the first six months of the pandemic, riskier driving surged, leading to a troubling uptick in fatal crashes, preliminary data shows. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a report on Americans’ driving

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California pauses Covid-19 shots from one lot of vaccine containing more than 330,000 doses

Health officials in California are telling medical providers across the state not to administer doses from one lot of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine while they investigate possible severe allergic reactions last week in a number of people who got shots at a community vaccination clinic. More than 330,000 doses from the lot were distributed to 287

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Norway reviewing deaths of frail and elderly patients vaccinated against Covid-19

Doctors in Norway are investigating the deaths of 23 elderly patients who had received the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, looking into the possibility that adverse reactions to the shot “may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some frail patients.” The vaccine’s side-effects are rare and usually mild. But they could include fever and nausea, which

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