Month: April 2020

Columbia’s reopening plan orders some businesses to stay closed
A number of entertainment venues in Columbia will stay closed until further notice after city and Boone County leaders rolled out a new reopen order Thursday.
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Moberly man pleads guilty to role in deadly robbery
MOBERLY, Mo. (KMIZ) A Moberly man admitted to his role in a 2018 double homicide on Thursday. Travis Koenig pleaded guilty to second-degree robbery in a hearing on Zoom. Koenig is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 23, according to online court records. Court documents in the case said the killings were the result of a
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Columbia salon owner reacts to new guidelines
ABC 17 spoke with Constance Parker, owner of Green Meadows Salon in Columbia just hours after the city released an update about businesses re-opening.
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A look back at April and what’s ahead for May
April brought a lot of different weather to mid-Missouri but when you look at the averages as a whole, we cut out pretty close to average. Temperatures were a slight bit cooler than normal, and keeps us just a touch above above normal for the year. Sunshine was pretty easy to come by too. Over
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Columbia/Boone County reopening plan rules differ among business types
The extension of Boone County’s stay-at-home order allows a slow reopening of non-essential businesses with occupancy limits while maintaining social distancing.
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MU School of Medicine requiring pay cuts, furloughs as COVID-19 hits finances
The University of Missouri School of Medicine will require faculty and staff to take pay cuts or furloughs to help make up for revenue lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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WATCH: Boone County commissioner discusses reopening order
Boone County Southern District Commissioner Fred Parry joined ABC 17 News live during the 5 p.m. Thursday broadcast.
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Warming trend continues into Friday
TONIGHT: Mostly clear and cool with lows in the upper 40s. TOMORROW: Increasing clouds and breezy with highs in the upper 70s. EXTENDED: Temperatures boost into the low 80s on Saturday, along with increasing humidity ahead of our next cold front. Saturday afternoon looks dry with storm chances increasing into the evening as the cold
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Federal funding could help fix the “digital divide” in Missouri’s rural education
Republican Missouri Gov. Mike Parson and state leaders are set to go over the state’s recovery plan at 3 p.m. Thursday.
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Warming trend through Saturday, storm chances follow
THIS AFTERNOON:Â Beautiful conditions continue this afternoon. Temperatures hold into the mid 60s. Lots of sun. TONIGHT: Another quiet night in store under those mostly clear skies as lows fall into the middle 40’s. EXTENDED:Â There will be a few more clouds present Friday but temperatures still look pleasant. Highs reach into the middle 70’s to close out
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Boone County reopening order more strict than state’s will take effect Monday
Boone County’s top health official on Thursday signed a reopening order that will be in effect indefinitely as Mid-Missouri continues to grapple with COVID-19.
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Web Extra: Mizzou softball team speaks during quarantine
Hear from Mizzou softball’s Larissa Anderson, Cayla Kessinger and Eli Daniel as they talk about what lies ahead for the team.
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Moniteau County Commission extends stay-at-home order through May 10
The Moniteau County Commission approved a recommendation from the county health center on Thursday to adopt and extend a stay-at-home order through May 10.
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CPS superintendent discusses the dramatic changes for next school year
Columbia Public Schools Superintendent Peter Stiepleman talked Thursday about the district’s latest efforts amid COVID-19 with ABC 17’s Zara Barker.
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Man shot at Jefferson City apartment complex
The Jefferson City Police Department said a man suffered a gunshot wound at an area apartment complex late Wednesday night.
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THURSDAY UPDATES: No new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Cole, Callaway counties
Check back throughout the day for updates on the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Tracking gorgeous weather moving back in
THURSDAY: A cool start this morning leads to abundant sunshine and highs in the upper 60’s. Winds out of the northwest will still be something to contend with as gusts reach 20-25 mph. TONIGHT: Another quiet night in store under those mostly clear skies as lows fall into the middle 40’s. EXTENDED: There will be
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Police tape off scene at apartment complex in Jefferson City
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMIZ) Police have taped off a portion of an apartment complex’s parking lot in Jefferson City. Officers had crime scene tape up in the Heritage Apartments lot on Wednesday night. ABC 17 News crews saw officers placing evidence markers in the lot and taking photographs. Police on scene did not provide any
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Andrew’s at-home sports: April 29, 2020
ABC 17 Sports Director Andrew Kauffman is asking all of our viewers to send in your best at-home sports videos to news@kmiz.com. He will share the best ones in his 10 p.m. sportscast every night for the foreseeable future. You can watch Andrew’s at-home sports from Wednesday, April 29 in the video player above.
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