Missouri River dips to record low at Jefferson City

The Missouri River has reached its lowest level on record at Jefferson City thanks to an ice jam.
The river was at negative-2.7 feet on the Jefferson City gauge Wednesday morning. The previous record low was about negative-1 foot in 1908.
The National Weather Service in St. Louis says the extremely low levels are caused by an ice jam between Glasgow and Boonville. The jam is also affecting the river at Hermann, where the gauge read negative-0.88 feet Wednesday morning. The record low is negative-0.9 feet, set in 1878.
The weather service said the levels will fall until the ice jam breaks up, which could happen in the next few days thanks to warming weather.
An ice jam between Glasgow and Booneville on the Missouri River has caused record low flows at Jefferson City and Hermann. Record levels are expected to continue to fall until the ice jam breaks up. pic.twitter.com/O89mha8JuZ
— NWS St. Louis (@NWSStLouis) December 28, 2022