Solar power: Will it bring sunshine or gloom to owners?
With alternative methods of power gaining traction across the world, I was wondering how myself and other residents of Mid-Missouri would be able to benefit from power sources like solar power. I met with Eric Hempel from the Office of Sustainability in Columbia to gain a better understanding of just what we need for solar power to be successful in Mid-Missouri.
Columbia’s Office of Sustainability has been a prime source for education and information about environmental sustainability. I turned to them to help understand why Mid-Missouri is a great location for solar power, and why it can benefit us financially. Not only does solar power help to lower energy costs, but solar power can also bring in rebates and tax incentives that bring money to your pocket. In Columbia, Columbia Water and Light provide rebates up to 625 dollars per kilowatt of energy from solar power. If this isn’t convincing enough, solar power is also beneficial for our environment.
So what do you need in order to qualify for solar power usage? You just need a sunny spot and up to 4 hours of peak sunlight, which is great news for those of us in Mid-Missouri. We typically see enough sunny days to make solar panels cost effective...Just make sure that your panels are placed somewhere that won’t be in the shade of a tree or building.
 If you want to know more about solar power and its benefits, Mr. Hempel suggests taking to the internet and researching on your own. If you want some expert guidance, head on over to the Water and Light utility website: