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How to become a cruise ship captain

Francesca Street Gigantic cruise ships are a marvel of the modern age, but when it comes to steering these oceangoing titans through stormy seas, narrow waterways, in and out of ports big and small while keeping everyone on board safe, the responsibility lies with one person. The captain. It’s a job unlike any other. Leadership

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A contemporary take on the "Mao suits" widely worn in China after the communist revolution.

The Chinese label subverting masculine stereotypes for a ‘gender-fluid generation’

Oscar Holland, CNN The topic of masculinity — and perceived threats to it — appears to be increasingly sensitive in today’s China. The country’s state broadcaster has moved to ban shows portraying “effeminate styles,” education officials have proposed ways to combat “feminization” in schools and state media has decried the “sickly aesthetics” that propel young

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Seen here is a portrait of Benjamin Franklin by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis. "Benjamin Franklin

‘Benjamin Franklin’ offers Ken Burns’ latest deep dive into US history

Review by Brian Lowry, CNN There’s something comforting about Ken Burns’ PBS documentaries dealing with subjects that predate video, since the filmmaker, unlike most of the industry, eschews dramatic reenactments in favor of a low-tech approach. Enter “Benjamin Franklin,” four hours devoted to the Founding Father, capturing all the facets of a man described as

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