Drinkwitz names eight captains ahead of 2022 season
Mizzou football coach Eli Drinkwitz announced Tuesday that the Tigers will have eight captains going into the 2022-23 season.
There will be four captains on the offense: Brady Cook, Tauskie Dove, Barrett Banister and Javon Foster. Plus, the other four captains will be from the defense: Martez Manuel, Isaiah McGuire, Darius Robinson and Chad Bailey.
"There's a level of trust within our team that says, ok these are the guys that represent where we want to be and can kind of show the way," Drinkwitz said.
Drinkwitz also added that these eight guys were selected by their fellow players.
"I've been at other places where the coaches kind of pick the captains, but these are the right guys that these guys said these are the leaders of us and we want you to work with them and lets move in the right direction," Drinkwitz said.
Drinkwitz also made it a point on Tuesday to pass on the #25 jersey that represents Aaron O'Neal who died tragically on the afternoon of July 12, 2005, when he passed away following a voluntary workout with his teammates.
The number will be worn by freshman wide receiver Ja'Marion Wayne from Parkway West.
Interviews with Tauskie Dove, Martez Manuel, Isaiah McGuire and Javon Foster.