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Shakespeare’s Pizza to temporarily relocate

An iconic Columbia restaurant is changing locations next month. Shakespeare’s Pizza announced Wednesday that it will temporarily relocate its downtown location while the current site is redeveloped. In late May, Shakespeare’s will move into a nearby building on South Eighth Street, which used to house BBC II. Property owners and developers will then begin construction

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Centralia Wrestling Club treasurer arrested

A Centralia woman has been arrested for allegedly stealing from a local wrestling club. The Centralia Police Department says Maggie Schmidt stole more than $3,000 from the Centralia Wrestling Club while acting as treasurer. The investigation revealed Schmidt had been using funds from the program to make personal purchases and cash withdrawals. Schmidt was arrested

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St. Louis County Prosecutor speaks to law school, but others left out

The St. Louis County Prosecutor who gained national attention during the Ferguson protests spoke at the University of Missouri Tuesday night. Administrators locked the doors of Hulston Hall during Prosecutor Robert McCulloch’s speech to the students, faculty and other prosecutors. The event, organized by the student chapter of the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, filled

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Ameren replaces Boonville transformer

More than 100,000 pounds sail through the air as Ameren gently lifts a new 22-mega watt transformer into place. Ameren crews replaced a Boonville transformer with one that supplies more power. Currently, the transformer powers Boonville, Pilot Grove and Jamestown. “We’ve gotten enough load growth in the area, enough new customers that we needed to

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