Jefferson City Ward 2 councilman announces plans to run for re-election

Current Jefferson City Councilman Mike Lester has announced he plans to run for re-election in the April municipal election.
Lester has held one of two seats for the Ward 2 area of Jefferson City since 2020, meaning if he wins re-election it would be his third term.
"I believe my experience and knowledge give me a deep understanding of the needs and problems facing us today," Lester said in a release. "I will use those assets to address and resolve issues in a manner that best serves Jefferson City residents.”
Lester told ABC 17 News in 2020 he has been a resident of Jefferson City since 2002.
He serves on two council committees, Public Works and Planning and Finance. He is also the council liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Human Relations Commission.
The first day for candidates to file for the municipal election in April starts on Dec. 5 and ends on Dec. 26.
According to the Jefferson City website and charter, council members serve two years and have a term limit of eight consecutive years.
The terms of four other council members are set to expire in 2024.