Highway 54 in Jefferson City to have reduced lanes for Highway 50 bridgework, delays expected mid-June through September

“Significant travel delays” are expected later this month on Highway 54 in Jefferson City, according to a Monday press release from the Missouri Department of Transportation.
The release states that Highway 54 will be narrowed to one lane in each direction between the Missouri River and Business 50 through early September for a bridge rehabilitation project. The release says MoDOT has hired a contractor to perform bridge joint and deck repairs, as well as place a new surface on two overpasses at the Tri-Level. The contractor has 90 days to complete the project.
A 15-foot width restriction and speed reduction to 35 mph will be in place through the work zone, the release says. A start date for the project has not been announced, the release says.
“Travelers headed to and from the Lake of the Ozarks region should consider alternate routes to avoid significant delays especially on Friday afternoons for westbound traffic and Sunday afternoons for eastbound drivers,” MoDOT Central District Engineer Machelle Watkins said. “Those towing recreational vehicles such as boats or campers wider than 15 feet will not be able to travel through the work zone.”