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State of Missouri reports two cases of Legionnaires’ disease after guests stay at Macon Hotel


The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), in collaboration with the Macon County Health Department, is warning recent guests of the Comfort Inn & Suites located at 1821 N. Missouri St, in Macon, after two guests were diagnosed with Legionnaires' disease in April 2021.

The two guests used the hot tub and/or pool at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Macon during the last full week in March 2021.

Officials say it is unknown whether the hotel was the source of the bacteria that caused the two people to become sick. Testing of the hot tub indicated the presence of Legionella bacteria; all other test results were negative.

People can get Legionnaires' disease, a serious type of pneumonia, by breathing in small water droplets containing Legionella bacteria. In general, people do not spread Legionnaires' disease to other people.

“In situations like this, we work closely with our local health partners on surveillance and mitigation strategies,” said Dr. Randall Williams, DHSS Director. “Upon detection of a patient with Legionnaires' disease, this includes appropriate public notifications and implementing disinfection strategies at the identified source.”

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