University of Missouri removes Phi Gamma Delta’s recognition pending appeal
The University of Missouri will remove its recognition of Phi Gamma Delta, the organization at the center of MU's suspension of fraternity activities, pending appeal, according to an email sent to the campus.
The university on Friday found the fraternity responsible for multiple violations of MU conduct codes, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Bill Stackman wrote in the email. The fraternity, also known as Fiji, has five days to respond to the university's plan to withdrawal recognition, according to the email. The chapter will remain suspended until a decision is reached.
MU suspended all fraternity activities this week after reports that a freshman involved with the frat was hospitalized with alcohol poisoning. Fiji has been hit with violations for alcohol and hazing both this semester and last semester.
Fraternity life at the university has a history of recent trouble, including a 2017 lawsuit over another freshman's alcohol poisoning. That history triggered an extensive review in 2016. Those findings were released in 2019.
Campus police are also investigating the reported alcohol poisoning connected with Fiji. The international Phi Gamma Delta organization is also investigating the incident.