Suspect dead following standoff with law enforcement in Sturgeon
Shots were fired while police and deputies were in a standoff with a domestic assault suspect in Sturgeon on Tuesday.
The suspect was found dead inside the home by law enforcement shortly before 7 p.m., according to Boone County Sheriff's Office Capt. Brian Leer.
Leer said it is not known if the suspect was killed by law enforcement or if he shot himself. The Missouri State Highway Patrol will investigate. No other injuries have been reported.
The shots were fired after police from Sturgeon and Hallsville and Boone County deputies had surrounded a mobile home Tuesday afternoon. Leer confirmed that law enforcement had returned fire after they were shot at.
Clouds of smoke could be seen coming from the area.
"We did have several law enforcement officers return fire at various points," Leer said. "So we asked the Missouri State Highway Patrol DDCC (Division of Drug and Crime Control) to investigate and assist in the investigation. There were multiple agencies involved so I can’t speak as to which officers were involved at this point."
A safety alert was pushed to residents’ smartphones that an “all clear” was given by the Boone County Sheriff’s Office and that there’s no current threat to the public. Residents are able to go back to their homes. Residents were asked to stay away from the standoff area while it was occurring.
Authorities could be heard earlier in the day calling for Damion Linder to leave the house. Charges of second-degree domestic assault, unlawful use of a weapon and illegal gun possession were filed against Linder on Tuesday.

A probable cause statement says Linder slammed another person's head into a toilet paper dispenser at a redacted address, causing a laceration. He is accused of then pointing a gun at that person's head.
Jaden Coleman, a worker at the local Casey's and resident in the neighborhood of six years told ABC 17 news she called emergency personnel when a woman walked into the Casey's with blood on her head and on her hands.
"I was walking home from work and as soon as I heard the shots I ran into a neighbor's house because I felt safe then I ran over there (her home) because my boyfriend is still in there," Coleman said at the scene. Her home is right across the street from Linder's residence.
"I was freaking out, we were right in the crossfire," Coleman said.
Multiple residents at the scene said this type of activity is not common in the neighborhood or town.
"It was scary, nothings ever happened like this before," said lifelong resident Christian. "This never happens, never," he said.
Linder is on probation for concealing a felony and interference with custody out of Audrain County, according to records from the Missouri courts and Department of Corrections.
A bond memo filed in the case said that Linder was involved in a standoff with a SWAT team when the document was written.
The home authorities surrounded Tuesday is in a mobile home park near Canada and Ruby Streets in Sturgeon. A woman had been brought out and put into an ambulance but someone remained inside the home just before 2 p.m.
EDITOR'S NOTE: A word in the graphic is misspelled but we are keeping it online for transparency.
Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers later came to the scene.
An ABC 17 News reporter heard authorities at the scene telling the person to come out, using Linder's name. A series of shots were fired a little after 2 p.m. but it wasn't clear who fired or if anyone was injured. The shots were heard as a Bearcat armored vehicle loaded with deputies approached the trailer. Bullets had punctured tires and the Bearcat had additional damage from gunfire.
Another series of shots was heard a few minutes later.
Two Columbia Police K-9 along with multiple Columbia Police Department vehicles units cars were seen at the scene around 3:30 p.m.
Shots were fired again shortly after 4 p.m. and a large volley of gunfire was heard again after 5 p.m. and throughout the next hour or so.
The bearcat and an ambulance left the scene at 7 p.m.
Leer couldn’t confirm if any residences were damaged by gunfire. Neighbors have told ABC 17 News that they see bullet holes in their windows. Crime scene tape was still around the home where the standoff took place and a few other residences at 7:30 p.m.
A Boone County Sheriff's Office spokesperson at the scene said law enforcement was called to the residence for a report of an alleged domestic assault.
Check back for updates to this developing story.