MONDAY UPDATES: Missouri DHSS adds 176 COVID-19 related deaths to state dashboard

Missouri DHSS has added 176 COVID-19 related deaths after state’s disease surveillance system analyzed several death certificates.
Officials say the deaths will be captured and reported publicly through the dashboard every Tuesday morning.
Three of the deaths occurred in October, 18 occurred in November, 142 in December and 13 in January.
The weekly death update has been occurring since September and typically causes a sharp increase in the deaths added to Missouri’s total the following day.
Officials say the state does not track probable or pending deaths.
Two mid-Missouri counties reporting COVID-19 related deaths
Callaway County and Morgan County are reporting COVID-19 related deaths.
Morgan County Health Center is reporting four coronavirus related deaths.
The county is now reporting the 30th COVID-19 related deaths since Aug. 2, 2020. These are the first four COVID-19 related deaths in 2021 in the county.
The county is also reporting 18 new total cases, bringing the total to 1,590. The health center is currently reporting 54 active cases in the county.
In Callaway County, the health department is reporting one COVID-19 related death. This brings the total to 33 deaths since April 4, 2020.
The county is reporting the third death this year and first this week.
The health department reports 3,458 total cases, an increase of 130 new cases.
The county has a 441 active cases.
The health department is reporting 100 new recoveries, bringing the total to 2,984 cases.
Boone County reports one new COVID-19 death; passes 15,000 total COVID-19 positive cases
Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services is reporting one new coronavirus related death.
Officials say the individual was in the 75-79 age group. That makes the 62nd since March 18.
The health department is reporting 73 new COVID-19 cases for Monday.
The dashboard is currently reporting 696 active cases.
The county now has a reported total number of COVID-19 cases of 15,015.
The county has reported the total number of cases removed from isolation is 14,257.
Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services dashboard has reported the latest five-day average as 110.
The dashboard is reporting the positivity rate of 34.8% for Jan. 1 through last Thursday.
The health department is reporting the total hospitalizations in Boone County remains at 117 cases for the past three days.

The number of Boone County residents hospitalized is reported to be 40.
The dashboard is reporting 33 COVID-19 patients in the ICU and 10 patients on ventilators.
The hospital status is still currently in the 'yellow' zone.
200 more COVID-19 cases reported in Boone County
The Columbia/Boone County health department reported a little more than 200 new COVID-19 cases in the county over the weekend.
A tweet from the health department said there were 133 cases reported on Saturday and that 73 more were reported on Sunday.
The total number of cases reported in the county topped out at 14,942. Health officials say 922 actively had coronavirus as of Monday morning.
Health officials said in the tweet 13,959 cases have been removed from isolation and that 37 residents were currently in the hospital because of COVID-19.
The health department reported its 61st virus-related death on Friday. A release said the resident was older than 80.
Missouri health department reports 1,600 new COVID-19 cases
The state health department reported more than 1,600 new COVID-19 cases on Monday -- the smallest daily increase in a week.

Health officials have reported 424,986 total COVID-19 cases in Missouri since the start of the pandemic. It includes Monday's addition of 1,659 cases.
The health department's coronavirus dashboard said 5,951 Missourians have died from COVID-19 since the pandemic started -- three more since Sunday's update.
State health officials also reported fewer virus-related hospitalizations and ICU stays since Sunday's update. The dashboard said 2,608 were hospitalized because of COVID-19 -- about 100 fewer from the day before. ICU admissions were down 11 to 586.
The state's seven-day COVID-19 positivity rate was reported at 18.2% on Monday.