Columbia Public Works working on ways to slow traffic on West Rollins Road between Fairview Road and Stadium Boulevard
The City of Columbia Public Works Department says it is working with the public to address traffic concerns on Rollins Road between South Fairview Road and Stadium Boulevard.
This street has been identified as prone to speeding, according to the city's website. Public Works shared its preliminary plan during a Monday meeting at City Hall.
"The meeting is being held to present a potential traffic calming solution to the fact that speeds are higher than desired on West Rollins Road between South Fairview Road and Stadium Boulevard," Ogan said in an email. "Public Works does not implement any solution that area residents do not want, so this meeting is part of public engagement. The solutions can be altered based on feedback that we receive, so this is the public's opportunity to provide us with feedback."
Residents can provide feedback about the projects on its BeHeard website.
Monday's meeting was the second public meeting regarding plans to slow traffic on Rollins Road.
“Currently, Rollins Road is ranked No. 1 of the streets that aren't already being addressed in terms of traffic calming,” Ogan said.
The City of Columbia Public Works Department received a traffic calming petition in 2023, signed by 27 residents. That petition prompted the department to conduct a traffic study of area.
"The traffic study showed that 85% of drivers on West Rollins Road are traveling at speeds of 39.3 mph or less," Ogan said in an email. "The speed limit is 25 mph. This confirms that speeds on this stretch of road are higher than desired, which is why traffic calming measures are being proposed."
Cynthia Foley has been a resident of the area for more than 20 years. She said she has become increasingly concerned about the speed of vehicles going down the road.
“It [speeds] can be double what our posted signs are,” Foley said.
The plan proposes the construction of three speed humps and the addition of a crosswalk at the intersection of West Rollins Road and Martin Drive. Speed humps would be placed at the intersection of each of the cross streets -- Hulen Drive, Martin Drive, and Bourn Avenue.
Foley said she worries about vehicles speeding through the intersection of West Rollins Road and Martin Drive, where many pedestrians cross. It is also near a playground at Trinity Lutheran Church.
“We see some close calls with the speeds of the cars and trucks that are coming through here,” Foley said.
Foley has attended both of the City of Columbia Public Works' public meetings regarding Rollins Road.
“The city did present to us [residents] some good options,” Foley said.
The city wants this neighborhood's solution to be a neighborhood decision.
“We don't want to impose any solution that the residents themselves do not want,” Ogan said.