October Columbia building fire intentionally started in ‘retaliation,’ fire report says

A building just south of Interstate 70 in Columbia was set on fire by a homeless person in retaliation against the building’s owner, a report from the Columbia Fire Department claims.
A building on Nebraska Avenue, just east of Providence Road, caught fire on Oct. 20. An investigation report says $125,000 in damage was reported. Multiple fires were started on the outside on the wall of the building that was away from the road, the report says.
A person described as a tenant of the building allegedly told officials that he regularly has to run unhoused people off the property, the report says. The report also says the tenant regularly calls police to have people removed from the property.
Fire was reported on the inside of the building, as well. Personal items, such as glasses, food, alcohol containers, a toothbrush and clothing were found near a corner of the building, which led officials to believe it had been “used as an unhoused living area.”