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Columbia trash, recycling bag vouchers to be sent out next week

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Vouchers for trash and recycling bags for Columbia residents will be sent out next week, according to a Wednesday press release from the City of Columbia Utilities.

In the June packet, customers will receive one voucher for black refuse bags and one voucher for blue recycling bags.

City-provided trash bags are not required for residential curbside collection. This will be the final distribution of trash bag vouchers, according to the press release.

Limited supplies of trash bags remain and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, the release states. Customers who do not receive vouchers by Friday, June 16, should contact WasteZero, at 1.800.866.3954 or, the release states.

Black bag vouchers can be redeemed at the following Columbia locations:

  • Hy-Vee (West Broadway and Nifong stores)
  • Menards
  • Moser’s
  • Utility Customer Service at City Hall

Vouchers for blue recycling bags can be redeemed at:  

  • Hy-Vee (West Broadway and Nifong stores)
  • Menards
  • Moser’s
  • Schnucks/EatWell
  • Utility Customer Service at City Hall

Curbside recycling for Columbia is currently suspended until at least Tuesday, June 20, due to staffing issues.

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Ryan Shiner


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