Shangri-La files labor lawsuits against union, withdraws one

A pair of unfair labor lawsuits were filed against an area union as workers from a dispensary continue to stay on strike.
Both were filed on Wednesday, according to the National Labor Relations Board.
Lawsuits include Point Management, LLC (which has been listed as doing business as Shangri-La) and UFCW Local 655. Fired workers from Shangri-La Dispensary in Columbia began picketing this week after they claimed they were let go after the company learned they were trying to unionize.
One lawsuit – which was withdrawn on Friday -- claimed the union was attempting to bargain in bad faith. The other case, which is still open, claims workers were striking/picketing at a healthcare institution without 10 days’ notice.
Seven court cases against Shangri-La were recently reported on the National Labor Relations Board. One lawsuit, filed by UFCW Local 655, claims discrimination against employees because of union activities.