City of Columbia’s plan to install accessible pedestrian signals at two intersections delayed
The City of Columbia's plan to install accessible pedestrian signals at two intersections has been delayed for at least a week, a city official said Tuesday evening.
The work on the project was supposed to begin Monday, but contractors need to finish a separate project before starting on this one.
The project includes audible signals that will have countdown timers. The new signals will be put at the Worley Street and Bernadette Drive intersection, as well as the Worley Street and West Boulevard intersection.
Columbia Public Works spokesman John Ogan said the city will also reconstruct sidewalk ramps at the intersection corners to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ogan also said signals are being installed at these two specific locations after the Disabilities Commission created a list of places it would like to see the signals installed.
Ogan noted that there are other intersections in the area that already have the signals installed.
"Modot's put in a number of these on their own but as for the city, we've done them in the past," Ogan said. "Fourth (Street) and Broadway is another crossing where we have accessible pedestrian signals, APS, Rangeline (Street) and Smiley (Lane) as I mentioned this is continuing..."
The project is expected to cost the city $444,133. This money will come from the quarter-cent Capital Improvement Program sales tax. Crosswalks in the area will also be repainted, Ogan said.
Some roads and sidewalks will be closed during the project. Ogan said signs and flaggers will be in the area to assist drivers and those traveling through the area.
When work begins, Ogan said contracting will start on the Worley Street and Bernadette Drive first.
The project is expected to be completed by June, weather permitting.
City will not pursue adding speed humps to Russell Boulevard
The City of Columbia will not pursue adding speed humps to Russell Boulevard after the City Council voted against adding them in a meeting Monday night.
The council voted 4-3 against the installation of the humps after several residents signed a petition stating they did not approve the possible addition. Residents at the meeting said that they did not feel the speed humps were necessary, as there have not been any accidents or injuries on the road.
Ogan said the city will look into other roads in the area that may need traffic improvements. He also said the city can revisit adding the speed humps, if residents decide they want them in the future.
"If the residents there change their minds, we can always take another petition from them and start the process over once again," Ogan said. "We would have to get a petition from them, and that is upon them to collect those signatures and resubmit it for traffic calming. And then it would go right back into the traffic calming process."