CPS students speak on having a mentor after Kehoe highlights importance in inaugural speech
Gov. Mike Kehoe said having a mentor played a large role in his success in taking over the governor's mansion.
During his inauguration speech on Monday, Kehoe said his mentor Dave Sinclair helped teach him about the importance of building relationships, having values and relying on his faith. Kehoe said he believes his story is "living proof" that having a mentor in a young person's life can have a life-long impact.
Mentorship is something he said youth who come from struggling backgrounds also need.
"They need hope. My life, growing up in the inner city, moving to a small town, building businesses and operating a ranch....these experiences have taught me one thing: Missourians are more alike than we are different," Kehoe said. "All of us want to feel safe in our homes and in our neighborhoods."
Some studies have linked mentorship programs to a reduction in crime.
According to a study from the University of Illinois-Chicago found individuals in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs were 54% less likely to be arrested than some of their peers.
Rock Bridge High School freshman Aanya Shetty said she has several people she looks up to and views as a mentor in clubs she's apart of as well as her older sister.
Shetty said she views them as people she can speak to about anything and said they've helped cultivate her as a person overall.
"It's always great to have someone to talk to, especially if they're like an older figure that someone can look up to and is maybe more responsible than you and you have a lot of things you can learn from them," Shetty said.
Others like Grace Harris -- a junior at Hickman High School -- said her parents play a crucial role in the decisions she makes, saying they've always taught her about the importance of being involved in her community.
Harris said she believes without mentorship, some children may feel lost.
"It's really important to have someone who's guiding you and giving you advice and is like, 'Hey,  you should get involved in this and hey, like this is a moment where you need to be kind and be a strong leader' and I think without that, some people may struggle," Harris said.